
The machines are PCs with an installation based on ArchLinux amd64. It is allowed to bring your own simple keyboard. Programmable keyboards are not allowed. We provide a simple mouse and it is not allowed to bring your own mouse. This page lists the available software. The documentation for C, C++, Java, C# (Mono) and Python 2/3 will be available on [Zeal](

Compilation Options

All programs will run with a 1,5GB memory limit. Because of JVM overhead, a little more than 1200MB of heap space is available to Java programs.

gcc -x c -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -static -pipe -o $DEST "$@" -lm
(Flag -g, that enables debugging, is present in the mygcc command but not on the judge)
g++ -x c++ -Wall -O2 -std=c++14 -static -pipe -o $DEST "$@"

(Flag -g, that enables debugging, is present in the myg++ command but not on the judge)

Java compilation:
javac -encoding UTF-8 -d . "$@"
Java runtime:
java -Xrs -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss65536k -Xms1441792k -Xmx1441792k $MAINCLASS
C# using Mono (companies only):
mcs -o+ "$@"
Python 2/3:
pypy "$@"
pypy3 "$@"

python and python3 will respectively redirect to pypy and pypy3.


There will be aliases available on the system in the format of mygcc, myg++, myjavac, myjava, mypython2, mypython3, and mymcs.


C, C++

  • GCC/G++ 8.2.1


  • Java 10 - OpenJDK 10.0.2


  • Python 2.7.13 - using Pypy2.7 6.0.0
  • Python 3.5.3 - using Pypy3.5 6.0.0


  • Mono 5.14.0


  • Emacs 26.1
  • Vim 8.1.470
  • Eclipse 4.9-1
  • IntelliJ IDEA CE 2018.2.5
  • Netbeans 9.0
  • Nano 3.1
  • Kate 18.08.0
  • Gedit 3.30.2
  • Geany 1.33
  • KWrite 18.08.2
  • KDevelop 5.2.4
  • MonoDevelop 7.8.0
  • CodeBlocks 17.12
  • Sublime Text 2.0.2
  • Pycharm CE 2018.2.4

Other tools

  • Make 4.2.1
  • GDB 8.2
  • Valgrind 3.14.0
  • Git 2.19.1
  • Screen 4.06.02
  • Tmux 2.8
  • Galculator 2.1.4
  • Evince 3.30.2

Main sponsor


Event sponsors

Organized by

Faculté des Sciences - UMons